SCI PERIAL Euro Carbone
A low-carbon strategy addressing environmental and climate issues
The building industry is one of the top greenhouse gas-emitting sectors in France and Europe. PERIAL Euro Carbone seeks to contribute to the decarbonization of this sector with a strategy aimed at controlling, preventing, reducing and offsetting the greenhouse gas emissions from each building in its portfolio.
Unavoidable emissions will be offset by financial contributions to rigorously selected carbon offsetting projects, which provide both social and environmental benefits. ">Discover the ESG strategy for the fund.
Office buildings in Europe
- Immobilier direct 22.7 %
- Co-investissement à travers un OPPCI 26.2 %
- Liquidités 8.6 %
- Frais et droits 5.1 %
- Trésorerie 11.2 %
- Investissement via des SCI contrôlées 26.1 %
- Régions 35.5 %
- Ile de France 38.7 %
- Belgique et Espagne 25.8 %
- Bureaux 96.3 %
- Commerces 3.7 %
Percentage distribution of the appraisal value as of 12/31/2021, subject to change.
Please refer to our documents for more information.
(1) Real estate portfolio
Invest in tomorrow, today
When you add PERIAL Euro Carbone to your life insurance policy, you invest in the first real estate unit of accumulation with a socially responsible investment label.
By integrating the benefits of corporate real estate into your life insurance policy.
PERIAL Euro Carbone, an environmentally-conscious non-trading SCI, seeks to reduce and offset the greenhouse gas emissions in its real estate portfolio.
Key figures
The risks
Key information sheet
- Risk of loss of capital: the Company does not offer any capital protection guarantee. The net asset value may therefore be lower than the subscription price. Investors are warned that their capital is not guaranteed and may not be returned to them, or only in part. All potential investors must be aware that investments are subject to the normal stock market fluctuations and the risks associated with any investment in transferable securities. The investments are also subject to the specific fluctuations of the underlying properties.
- Risk of debt: the Company may contract loans within a limit of 40% of the value of the assets it holds. The return of capital in the event of liquidation will be subordinated to the prior payment of the loans. The Company also introduces a risk related to the refinancing of its assets upon expiry of the loans.
- Risks linked to discretionary management: resulting from the managers’ selection of poorer-performing investments.
- Property risk: a decrease in the value of property assets may lead to a decrease in the value of shares.
- Market risk: the potential income of property assets and their value and liquidity may increase or decrease depending on the real estate market conditions.
- Liquidity risk: the liquidity of shares in real estate funds or real estate assets held by the Company is not guaranteed. The Company’s underlying holdings are considered as illiquid.
PERIAL Euro Carbone is a product reserved exclusively for professional clients. The legal documents may be obtained from the management company upon request or at the PERIAL AM headquarters: 34 rue Guersant, 75017 Paris. PERIAL EURO CARBONE is a non-trading real estate company(Société Civile Immobilière), registered on 14 August 2020. It is headquartered at 34 Rue Guersant, 75017 Paris - R.C.S. Paris 888 113 594. The market authorization for the non-traded SCI was awarded by AMF (the French financial markets authority) on 18/11/2020.
Reporting trimestriel PERIAL Euro Carbone - Décembre 2024 - Part A