Une relation de proximité avec nos partenaires
Dans un secteur en pleine mutation, nos équipes s'engagent à gérer de manière vertueuse le patrimoine de nos fonds. Aujourd'hui, notre offre est constituée de produits collectifs d'épargne SCPI, SCI et OPPCI destinés aux épargnants particuliers ainsi qu'aux investisseurs institutionnels.
At a glance
Données PERIAL AM au 31/12/2021
Our ESG approach
For over 10 years, PERIAL AM has made sustainable development a key part of its real estate management strategy. The creation of the PFO2 SCPI in 2009 allowed the management company to stay ahead of the market by introducing an ambitious, pioneering approach in the area of environmental performance.
This strong conviction naturally led PERIAL AM to integrate the two other ESG pillars of social and governance issues into its approach. It launched a global ESG approach with the aim of integrating Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues in its investment decisions and asset management activities. ESG management ensures a responsible and meaningful long-term approach. The inclusion of non-financial aspects ensures a commitment to enhancing property, preventing building obsolescence and improving tenant satisfaction.
This approach also embodies the management company’s commitment to its investors by anticipating future standards and issues, allowing PERIAL AM to guarantee responsible and sustainable investments.
Discover our complementary investment solutions

Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Investment in SCPI shares involves a risk of capital loss. Investment in a SCPI must be approached with a long-term view.
Your contacts
Team dedicated to our partners

Team dedicated to institutional clients

Our rewards
A dedicated team for our distributor partners
As always, we take our distributors’ concerns seriously. We treat them as clients, prioritizing our contact with them and the quality of our close working relationship.

A single point of contact
Support services and assistance with your subscription files
A simplified, fully-digital subscription procedure
A private area containing your commercial library, your client dashboard and collection monitoring.
Review of developments and information: newsletters, webinars from PERIAL AM experts, meetings at our roadshow, breakfasts, etc.